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Expert Consultation Meeting on Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia

09 July 2012 - 10 July 2012
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
air pollution


From 9 to 10 July 2012, SRO-ENEA and the Scientific Research Institute (SRI) "Atmosphere" organized a NEASPEC Expert Consultation Meeting on Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The meeting gathered about 20 representatives of member States and scientific community to review the progress of the current NEASPEC project and consider a set of possible short to long-term objectives for strengthening subregional cooperation on this important environmental challenge for North-East Asia.

09 Jul 2012
Opening Session

Welcome address and opening speech

  • Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UN ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North East Asia
  • Mr. Andrey Nedre, Director General, Scientific Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection, JSC (SRI Atmosphere, JSC), St.Petersburg, Russian Federation

Introduction to goals and objectives of the meeting

  • Secretariat of NEASPEC
Session 1: Overview of the current activities and future plans of the major subregional/regional scientific frameworks on transboundary air pollution

Presentations of reports by national experts from member States:

  • China, Dr. MENG Fan, Senior Research Fellow, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES)
  • Japan, Dr. Jiro SATO , Assistant Deputy Director General , Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP)
  • Transboundary air pollution in case of Mongolia , D r. Erdenebat ELDEVOCHIR, Director for International Cooperation, National Agency for Meteorology and Environment Monitoring of Mongolia
Session 1 continued
  • Republic of Korea, Dr. Lim Seok CHANG, Senior Researcher, Air Quality Research Division, National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
  • Russian Federation , Ms. Kristina Volkova, SRI Atmosphere, St. Petersburg

Discussion: The meeting participants will share the views and ideas on the presented reports/presentations and provide their additions/comments

Session 2 Overview of cooperation of the Russian Federation with the UNECE LRTAP Convention: Lessons for the North East Asian subregion
  • Russian experience within the UNECE Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention: Bridging policy with science for effective mitigation of transboundary air pollution, Ms. Kristina Volkova, SRI Atmosphere, St. Petersburg
  • Modeling of transboundary air pollution within CLRTAP and the role of EMEP, Dr. Victor Shatalov, Senior Scientist, Meteorological Synthesizing Center East, Moscow
Session 3 : Recent developments and emerging issues in multilateral cooperation on transboundary air pollution
  • Revised Gothenburg Protocol to CLRTAP: Implications and lessons for North East Asia, Mr. Krzysztof OLENDRZYNSKI, CLRTAP Secretariat
  • Black carbon and its adverse effects on human health: subregional perspective: discussion by all participants
  • Ground level ozone and its adverse effects on crops and vegetation: status in North East Asia: discussion by all participants
Wrap up of the day
10 Jul 2012
Session 4 I nstitutional and knowledge gaps in subregional/regional frameworks and relevant needs and priorities

The meeting participants will discuss the existing gaps in subregional cooperation based on the reports submitted by national consultants. They will highlight common priorities for future improvement.

Session 5: Options for a s trengthened subregional framework on transboundary air pollution in North East Asia
  • The participants will work together on finalization of the options for strengthening the existing level of cooperation on transboundary air pollution in North East Asia, including suggestions on how to improve the link between scientific research and policy making.
  • It is expected that the participants will agree on common recommendations for possible future action that will be included in the final project repo rt to be submitted to NEASPEC SOM 17 to be held in China in October 2012.
Wrap up and way forward
Presentations-Session 3