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Expert Workshop on Management Strategies and Monitoring & Assessment of Marine Protected Areas in North-East Asia

20 December 2018
Incheon, Republic of Korea

Launched in 2013 with aim to build a social or human network among Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as well as to share the experiences and challenges in managing MPAs in the subregion, North-East Asia Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN) started its first project, “Strengthening the subregional cooperation through knowledge sharing on sustainable management of MPAs” focusing on management strategies and monitoring/assessment of the designated NEAMPAN sites. This expert workshop is the first occasion for national experts to gather together to discuss on their preliminary findings and to ensure coherence among the studies on the NEAMPAN sites. The study is expected to be completed by the middle of 2019.


20 Dec 2018

Introduction and overview

Session 1: Review of key features and management of the NEAMPAN sites in light of the outline of the MPA study

The purpose of the session is to share the preliminary review on the availability and the extent of information available for the outline of the study for the respective MPAs and identify the areas which require more extensive case studies.

  • China: Zhang Zhaohui, Professor, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration
  • Japan: Mitsutaku Makino, Head, Fisheries Policy Group, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science
  • Republic of Korea: Taecheol Jang, Manager, MPA Center, Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation
  • Russian Federation: (1) Anatolii Kachur, International Project Manager, Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS; and (2) Tatiana Orlova, Deputy Director, National Scientific Center of Marine Biology FEB RAS

(Each presentation is followed by Q&A and discussion.)

12:00-13:00 Lunch 

Session 2: MPA management and experience of wetland inventory in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – preliminary findings
  • Felix Glenk, Project Manager for DPRK, Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea
Coffee Break
Session 3: Open discussion on the scope of the study and recommendations on capacity building workshop

This session re-visits the outline of the study to ensure coherence among individual studies, as well as discuss on preliminary scope of the case studies.
