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First Steering Committee Meeting of North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network

19 March 2014 - 20 March 2014
Incheon, Republic of Korea


The North-East Asia Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN or Network) was launched at the 18th Senior Officials Meeting in 2013 in order to fill the gap of existing programmes and projects related to marine ecosystems in the subregion with geographic coverage of five member countries of NEASPEC (except Mongolia which is LLDC). The Network was proposed as the most effective way to further improve the management of various MPAs in the North-East Asia through acting as a key subregional platform for information sharing, joint assessment and monitoring as well as partnership with other regional and global MPA networks.

In order to operationalize the Network, the ENEA Office serving as the Secretariat of NEASPEC as well as NEAMPAN held the first Steering Committee meeting of NEAMPAN on 19-20 March 2014 in Incheon, ROK. The meeting further clarified national approaches to MPA, strategic direction of the Network, target MPAs, network membership, and organizational and managerial structures. In addition to the Steering Committee members, representatives from other regional MPA network and related programmes have participated to share their experiences.

Key outcomes of the meeting include (a) nomination of specific target MPAs by respective governments in accordance with network’s thematic areas and national priorities in order for the Network to have more focused and efficient work, (b) inclusive memberships for diverse stakeholders, (c) streamlined process for activity review and approval by the Steering Committee, (d) creation of Advisory Committee consisting of individual experts and international organizations for technical advice on activities, etc.


19 Mar 2014
Introduction to the NEAMPAN by the NEASPEC secretariat

The NEASPEC secretariat briefs on the background of the establishment of NEAMPAN and introduces detailed items to be discussed during the Steering Committee.

Review of other MPA networks and subregional marine programmes

The session will review experiences of other MPA networks and relevant programmes to draw lessons for NEAMPAN

Tea break
Review of national MPA policies and arrangements

The session will have presentations from members/alternate members on national policies and arrangements, particularly, pertaining to the work of NEAMPAN.

Discussion on NEAMPAN framework and programme

The session will discuss on the scope and framework of NEAMPAN, including formulation of Advisory Committee, priority activities and follow-up action required after the first Steering Committee by the Committee members as well as by the Secretariat.

Tea break / Preparation of draft Meeting Report
Adoption of the Meeting Report

The session will adopt the meeting report containing decisions and conclusions of the meeting as well as matters to be brought to the attention / decision of the SOM19.

Concluding session
20 Mar 2014
Field trip