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Meeting of NEASPEC National Focal Points

06 August 2020

The meeting of NEASPEC national focal points was organized virtually on 6 August 2020.

The meeting reviewed the implementation and lessons learned from the NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2016—2020 and received substantive suggestions and comments from member States on the draft NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025. 

06 Aug 2020
Opening Session
  • Opening remarks, Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head of ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Introduction of the meeting, NEASPEC Secretariat
Session 1: Review of the implementation of the NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and Draft Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • Evaluation on the implementation of the NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2016-2020, by Ms. Joyce Miller, independent evaluator
  • Background and draft of Strategic Plan 2021-2025, NEASPEC Secretariat
  • Comments and suggestions by National Focal Points

This session aims to provide a stock-taking assessment on the implementation of the current strategic plan and introduce the zero draft of the next strategic plan and its related background. Two short presentations will be made on key information, followed by substantive discussions among national focal points and relevant experts/ participants nominated by member States.

Session 2: Other matters

This session will consider other issues for the developments of NEASPEC, including any key issues member Governments wish to discuss.
