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Expert Group Meeting on Development of the Technical and Policy Frameworks for Transboundary Air Pollution Assessment and Abatement in North-East Asia

01 May 2014
Incheon, Republic of Korea

ESCAP-ENEA Office as the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) Secretariat organized the Expert Group Meeting on the project titled Development of the Technical and Policy Frameworks for Transboundary Air Pollution Assessment and Abatement of North-East Asia in the ENEA premises on 1 May 2014. The project, which was proposed and funded by the Government of Russian Federation, aims to facilitate joint scientific assessment and consultations among member States on a potential subregional framework for addressing transboundary air pollution. The EGM discussed the overall implementation plan for assessing data and technical approaches and developing modelling methodologies of transboundary air pollution, as well as formulating the concept of a subregional cooperation framework. The Meeting also identified roles of each national implementing bodies and experts in the project implementation.

01 May 2014
Opening Session
  • Welcome address and opening speech: Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Introduction to goals and objectives of the meeting: Mr. Sangmin Nam, Secretariat of NEASPEC
Coffee/tea break
Session 1: Planning Project Implementation – review of approaches and activities

Discuss technical approaches and activities in line with the overall project goal and views of member governments expressed during the SOM-18; and the overall implementation plan for assessing data and technical approaches,
developing a modelling methodology of transboundary air pollution, carrying out a modelling and formulating the concept of a subregional framework

Session 1 (continued)
Session 2: Planning Project Implementation – role of national implementing body and experts

Discuss the role of each national implementing body and experts in project implementation

Wrap-up of the meeting