[NEAMPAN] Webinar on climate change and MPAs; and Steering Committee meeting 2022
20 July 2022
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are designated with long-term aims to conserve ecosystems and support livelihoods in the coastal areas. As such, MPAs should play critical roles in combating climate change and enhancing resilience in the ocean and coastal areas, and there needs further discussions to understand the impacts of climate change and MPAs’ roles to address them in North-East Asia.
Organized by the ESCAP Subregional office for East and North-East Asia, which serves as the NEASPEC Secretariat, the webinar discussed the roles of MPAs and MPA networks to tackle climate change, and learned national and local-level policies and practices in North-East Asia.
20 Jul 2022
[Webinar] Opening
[Webinar] Presentations and discussions
- Presentations
- Ms. Purificació Canals, Technical Coordinator of EU Ocean Governance Project and President of Mediterranean Protected Areas Network (MedPAN)
- Ms. Sara Hutto, Ocean Climate Program Coordinator for NOAA Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
- Dr. Qu Fangyuan, First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China
- Prof. Makino Mitsutaku, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
- Dr. Jungho Nam, Research Fellow, Korea Maritime Institute
- Discussions and Q&A
- Role of each MPA and MPA Network on climate change
[Webinar] Closing
NEAMPAN Steering Committee meeting (invitees only)