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Expert Consultation Meeting on Environmental Challenges Related to Transboundary Marine Pollution

27 June 2012 - 28 June 2012
Seoul, Republic of Korea
marine EGM


The Expert Consultation Meeting was organized in accordance with the decision of the 16th SOM (1-2 September 2011, Seoul, Republic of Korea) of the NEASPEC supporting the proposal of the Republic of Korea to convene an ECM to further elaborate the project proposal, "Strengthening Subregional Cooperation to Address Environmental Challenges related to Transboundary Marine Pollution", for decision at the 17th SOM to be held in China in October 2012. The ECM facilitated exchange of views and ideas among national experts and other involved stakeholders on the scope of the project, modality of its implementation and required partnerships with relevant organizations working in the field of transboundary marine pollution in North-East Asia.

27 Jun 2012
Opening Session

Welcome address and opening speech

  • UN ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea

·Introduction to goals and objectives of the meeting

  • Secretariat of NEASPEC
Session 1: Overview of national policies and activities in the field of prevention and management of marine pollution

Presentations by national experts from China, Japan, Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation

Tea Break
Session 1: continued

Discussion and exchange of ideas and views on national policies and regulations, main challenges facing member
States in protecting marine environment and needs for capacity building and technical assistance

Session 2: Overview of current regional and subregional programs and initiatives for addressing transboundary marine pollution

Presentations by officials of relevant multilateral mechanisms and programs, representatives of civil society organizations and resource persons, including:

  • UNEP Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) and its Regional Activity Centers
  • Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA)
  • Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (YSLME), Outcomes of Phase I
Tea Break
Session 3: Environmental challenges related to transboundary marine pollution in North-East Asia and ways to strengthen multilateral cooperation in the subregion
  • Presentation of the detailed project proposal by the Republic of Korea
  • Presentations by partner organizations on existing gaps and opportunities of strengthening multilateral cooperation
Wrap-up of the day
28 Jun 2012
Session 4: Areas of NEASPEC action on marine environment

Discussion and exchange of ideas and views on existing gaps in multilateral cooperation in North-East Asia and
identification of possible areas for joint subregional activities within the frames of NEASPEC

Tea Break
Session 4: continued
  • The participants will work together on finalization of the main scope and modalities of the proposed project with a view of proposing a preliminary work plan for the proposal and identify roles and responsibilities of partner organizations
  • It is expected that the participants will agree on a set of possible recommendations for further action in this regard for SOM-17 to be held in China in October 2012, including defining the role of NEASPEC in the project
Wrap-up and way forward