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NEASPEC 17th Senior Officials Meeting

20 December 2012 - 21 December 2012
Chengdu, China

The 17th Senior Officials Meeting supported the existing programmes on transboundary air pollution, nature conservation in transboundary areas (with focus on Amur tiger and leopard), and dust and sandstorms while specific activities will be further formulated/elaborated during 2013. In addition, the Meeting also endorsed proposals from the Secretariat of new initiatives including launching a marine protected areas network, protecting the key habitats of migratory birds, and launching the information platform for low-carbon cities.

20 Dec 2012
Opening Session
  • Opening Remarks - Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia
  • Welcoming Remarks - TBC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China
  • Election of officers and adoption of agenda
Policy issues for sustainable development in North-East Asia

Statements by the delegations of the member States and UN and international organizations on matters related to sustainable development of North-East Asia. 

Review of program planning and implementation

a) Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas

b) Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia

c) Mitigation of Dust and Sandstorms

d) Eco-efficiency Partnership

e) Marine Environment

Secretariat makes short presentations for each thematic area followed by interventions from delegations of member States.

Review of program planning and implementation (Cont’d)
Review of the outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Conference)

The session will review implications of Rio+20 outcomes for subregional cooperation on sustainable development in North-East Asia, and discuss potential contributions of NEASPEC activities to implementing the outcomes.

Consideration of new NEASPEC project proposals

Member States, secretariat and partner organizations present proposals for new activities to be conducted under the framework of NEASPEC. Each proposal will be introduced with a power point presentation followed by discussions.

Institutional arrangement of NEASPEC and review of Core Fund

The session will review the results of a study on institutional arrangements of NEASPEC and the state of the core fund, and discuss options for further strengthening the role and function of NEASPEC.

Plan for the next SOM and other matters
Tea Break
Adoption of the conclusions and recommendations and closing of the meeting
Field trip