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Consultation Meeting on the North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership (NEACAP)

13 October 2017
Busan, Republic of Korea

The Consultation Meeting on the North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership (NEACAP) was held on 13 October 2017 in Busan, Republic of Korea to finalize objectives, core programmes, and organizational structures of NEACAP. ESCAP in the capacity of the Secretariat of the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) has worked with member States to develop a comprehensive subregional framework on addressing air pollution in the subregion over last five years.

The Meeting came to the conclusion on the framework, NEACAP, by finalizing the terms of reference, which will be formally adopted by the 22nd Senior Officials Meeting of NEASPEC to be held in 2018. Despite heavy costs of domestic and transboundary air pollution in North-East Asia, the subregion has not been able to formulate a subregional platform that brings all countries and major issues. Thus, this new partnership under NEASPEC is expected to serve as a key vehicle to promote science-based, policy-oriented cooperation.  

13 Oct 2017
Introduction to the Meeting
Session 1. Proposed objective, core programme and organizational structure of NEACAP
  • Presentations from each member States on the three key elements of the proposed NEACAP, and relevant national and international programmes
  • Discussions on the three key elements
Session 2. Modality of collaboration with relevant mechanisms and programmes


  • LTP,  NIER/LTP Expert
  • EANET/ APCAP, Tomi HARYADI, EANET Secretariat
  • MIX-inventory, Jung-Hun WOO, Konkuk University


Coffee break
Session 3. NEACAP Terms of Reference

Review and finalize the draft TOR taking account of discussions during session 1 and 2.
