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Asia-Pacific Forestry Week (APFW) 2019 ESCAP/NEASPEC Side Event

21 June 2019
Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea

APFW 2019 Side Event: Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation in North-East Asia on Combating Desertification and Land Degradation

Room 206, Convensia, 11:00 – 12:30, 21 June 2019

The “North-East Asia Multi-stakeholder Plan for Combating Desertification and Land Degradation (NEAMSP)” was launched under NEASPEC as a practical tool for coordinated and efficient actions by multi-stakeholders to combat desertification and land degradation (DLD). NEAMSP maps out activities taken by multi-stakeholders to combat DLD in the subregion and provides a platform to share information and stimulate cooperation among stakeholders in six areas, including: land restoration and ecosystem services; capacity building; integration of DLD into socio-economic development and resilience; resource mobilization; stakeholder engagement; and awareness raising. 

Focusing on the new stakeholders and innovative approaches emerged in the DLD community in recent years, this event showcased initiatives led by governments and private sectors on combating DLD and discussed how some of the institutional, financing and technological innovations could be scaled up through bi- and multi-lateral cooperation in and beyond the subregion towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially target 15.3 for a land degradation-neutral world (LDN).

[Invitation Only] APFW 2019 Side Event: Consultation Meeting on Combating Desertification and Land Degradation in North-East Asia 

Room 310, Convensia, 13:30-15:00,  21 June 2019

The North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) annually facilitates a Senior Officials Meeting among the 6 North-East Asian member States for building common knowledge and synergising capacity building on the subregional environmental status. The latest Senior Officials Meeting of 2018 suggested that the NEASPEC Secretariat refocus the work on DLD to cooperate with other existing mechanisms.

Therefore, a closed door consultation meeting will bring resentatives from the NEASPEC member States and the existing DLD-combatting mechanisms to review the NEASPEC DLD work, highlight works of other mechanisms, and discuss the potential prospects of NEASPEC.

21 Jun 2019
Opening remarks

Ganbold BAASANJAV, Head of UNESCAP East and North East Asia Office

Multi stakeholder collaboration and emerging trends on combating desertification and land degradation in North East Asia

Sangmin NAM, Deputy He ad of UNESCAP East and North East Asia Off ice

Multilateral cooperation un der the North East Asia Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought Network (DLDD-NEAN)

Kihyung Park, Research Scientist, National Institute of Forest Science, Korea Forest Service

Discussion Opportunities emerged from recent policy developments in North-East Asia for enhanced multilateral cooperation, e.g. setting voluntary target on land degradation neutrality (LDN)

➢ Oyunsanaa BYAMBASUREN, Director Department of Forest Policy and Coordination, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia
➢ Representative, National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China

The “100 million sacsaoul” project : A multi stakeholder approach to the restoration of desert ecosystems

Jing SUN , Director of Desertification Control, SEE Foundation

Discussion: The implication of innovative partnerships, financing and technological supports on future cooperation to combat desertification and land degradation

➢ Kenichi SHONO, Food and Agriculture Organization
➢ Sangmin NAM, Deputy Head of UNESCAP East and North East Asia Office
