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NEASPEC/NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in the Northwest Pacific

13 March 2013 - 14 March 2013
Toyama, Japan
MPA group


NEASPEC and NOWPAP jointly organized the Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in the Northwest Pacific on 13-14 March 2013 in Toyama, Japan. The Workshop brought together national focal points of the Network and experts from China, Japan, Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, and international marine programmes including the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) and IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC). The Workshop on the first day led by NOWPAP focused on the status of MPAs and future plans for conservation of marine biodiversity, and current status and challenges of assessing marine environment for marine biodiversity conservation. The second day led by NEASPEC focused on MPAs and potential areas of subregional cooperation, and programme and operational modality of North-East Asia MPA Network.

13 Mar 2013
Opening Session
  • Welcome address and opening speech
  • Introduction to goals and objectives of the meeting
Session 1: Introduction on status of conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity


  • China: Dr. Huang BEI (Zhejiang Provincial Zhoushan Marine Ecological Environmental Monitoring Station)
  • Japan: Dr. Takafumi YOSHIDA (NOWPAP CEARAC)
  • Korea: Dr. Yoon LEE (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute)
  • Russia: Dr. Anatoly KACHUR (NOWPAP POMRAC)
Tea Break
  • Comparison of MPA categories in the NOWPAP member states
  • Sharing information on current and future plan for marine biodiversity conservation in the NOWPAP member states
  • Consideration of possible ways to design MPA including the consideration of EBSA concept
Session 2: Current status and challenges of monitoring and assessing marine biodiversity conservation


  • “Development of Ecosystem Indicators to Characterize Ecosystem Response to Multiple Stressors”: Dr. Vladimir V. Kulik (PICES WG28)
  • “Comprehensive ecosystem assessment for marine biodiversity conservation”: Dr. Maria Laamanen (HELCOM) 3
  • “Activity on marine biodiversity conservation in the IOC/WESTPAC”: Dr. Yasuwo Fukuyo (IOC/WESTPAC)
  • Review of prior/ongoing activities in terms of the applicability of procedures and availability of data
  • Consideration on possible scheme on the assessment procedures for marine biodiversity conservation and possible indicators/parameters
  • Recommendation on future workplan and timeline for development of assessment procedure
Wrap-up of the day
14 Mar 2012
Session 3 : MPA and potential areas of subregional cooperation – views of member States


  • NEASPEC and MPA Network, Dr. Sangmin Nam (NEASPEC Secretariat)
  • China: Dr. Hao HUANG (State Oceanic Administration)
  • Republic of Korea: Dr. Jae-Young LEE (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs)
  • Russian Federation: Mr. Anatoly SAVELYEV (Centre for International Projects)
Tea Break
Session 4: North-East Asia MPA Network: programme and operational modality


  • Membership and operational arrangement of the network
  • Scope and modality of network programme o Key network activities in 2013-2014
  • Arrangements with NOWPAP and relevant mechanisms