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International Conference on Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia

17 December 2008
Tokyo, Japan


Transboundary air pollutions have been recognized as one of most serious regional environmental challenges in North-East Asia. Among air pollutants, sulphur dioxide (SO2), particularly, emitted from coal-fired power plants is a major regional environmental issue in North-East Asia. Thus, NEASPEC and Asian Development Bank (ADB) have undertaken a series of technical assistance (TA) projects to support collaboration among North-East Asian countries to mitigate transboundary air pollutions from coal-fired power plants.

The International Conference on Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia was jointly organized by NEASPEC and Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center (ADORC), as an activity of the project on “Mitigation of Transboundary Pollution from Coal-fired Power Plants in North-East Asia", held in Tokyo on 17-19 December 2008.


17 Dec 2008
Opening Session

Opening Remarks by Dr. Sangmin Nam (ESCAP) and Mr. Teruhisa Oi (ADB)

Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Teruyoshi Hayamiizu (Ministry of the Environment of Japan)

Session 1: The state of transboundary air pollution in Northeast Asia

This session will review results of monitoring and modelling of transboundary air pollutions in North-East Asia and ecological and socioeconomic impacts of transboundary air pollutions.

Presenters (Each presentation topic: To be decided)

  • “LTP indicators based on observations” by Dr. Lim-Seok Chang (NIER, ROK)
  • “Modeling of Regional Air Pollution in North-East Asia “ by Dr. Fan Meng (CRAES, China)
  • “Simulation of long-range transport of ozone and its implications” by Dr. Cheol-Hee Kim (Pusan National University, ROK)
  • “Modeling study on relationships between regional emissions and secondary inorganic aerosol in Tokyo” by Dr. Hiroshi Hayami (CRIEPI, Japan)
  • Mercury Emission from Coal Combustion in Japan” by Dr. Hiroshi Moritomi (Gifu University, Japan)
Session 2. Transboundary air pollution and coal-fired power plants (CPP)

This session will review sulphur dioxide emissions from CPP and its implication for transboundary air pollutions, technical and managerial practices of CPP operation, and policy and technology for mitigating sulphur emissions.

Presenters (Each presentation topic: To be decided)

  • “The Current Status of Thermal Power Plants SO2 Control in China” by Ms. Jun Wang (CEC, China)
  • “The Impact of Russian Coal-burning Power Plants in Siberia on Atmospheric Environment and their Possible Role in the Long Range Transport of Sulphur” by Dr. Sergey Gromov (IGCE, Russia)
  • “FGD Technologies for Korean Coal Firing Power Station” by Mr. Ki-Suh Park (Korea Cottrell Company, ROK)
  • “Air Pollution and Coal Fired Power Plants” by Ms. Tumendemberel Bulgan (Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia)
  • “Trend of Energy Use and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions in China” by Dr. Hezhong Tian (Beijing Normal University, China)
  • “Air Pollution Control Policy in Japan for Mitigating Sulphur Emission” by Mr. Hirofumi Aizawa (Ministry of Environment, Japan)
  • The Flue Gas Cleaning System applied to Hitachinaka P.S.” by   Mr. Shigehiro MATSUDA (Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan)
18 Dec 2008
Session 3. Regional, multilateral and bilateral actions on transboundary air pollutions

This session will discuss activities and outcomes of regional and multilateral initiatives, and lessons from other regional initiatives.



  • EANET: “Recent Progress of Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” by Mr. Akira Nitta (ADORC, Network Center for EANET, Japan)
  • LTP: “Joint Research Project on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollutants in North East Asia: Progress and Outcome” by Dr. Jeong-soo Kim (NIER, ROK)
  • “Regional Framework on Transboundary Air Pollution; Can Integrated Assessment Models Help?” by Mr. Zbigniew Klimont (IIASA)
  • “Regional dialogue and cooperation on air pollution in Asia (Urban AQM in Asia: Status and Trends)” by Ms. Sophie Punte (CAI-Asia)

Panel discussions

Session 4. The way forward
  • This session will discuss required collaboration and training for mitigating air pollutions from coal-fired power plants and promoting knowledge dissemination and transfer.
  • Panel discussions
Closing session
19 Dec 2008
Site visit

Isogo Thermal Power Station