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NEASPEC 18th Senior Officials Meeting

05 November 2013 - 06 November 2013
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


North-East Asian countries further expanded the scope of subregional cooperation during the SOM-18 of the NEASPEC, which was held on 5-6 November in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Commemorating its 20 years history as a multilateral environmental cooperation platform in North-East Asia, national delegations expressed expectations such as building synergies with relevant multilateral programmes in the subregion as well as bilateral activities, enhancing cooperation for mutual benefit based on priorities collectively set by member States, and enriching subregional cooperation connecting with global processes on sustainable development.

One of the meaningful outcomes was that the Meeting launched the North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN) which is a new and unique network covering national MPAs in all seas of North-East Asia, where the five member States of MPAs, namely China, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation, are located. NEAMPAN is established to form an effective, functional representative network of MPAs in the region for conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity and efficient management of resources. The NEAMPAN is aimed at supporting member States in protecting marine ecosystems through information-sharing, capacity building and joint research.

In addition to launching NEAMPAN, SOM-18 endorsed the proposal of the Russian Federation to develop the technical and policy framework on transboundary air pollution. The project aims to bring the member States together for conducting research on long-range movement of air pollution, their impacts and policy measures. The Meeting also decided to carry out non-invasive DNA analysis for the Amur tigers and leopards inhabiting in Russian Far East and the Northeastern part of China. The analysis will bring together geneticists from not only the two countries but also other member countries, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, the SOM reaffirmed its support to building Low Carbon Cities Partnership as a platform for information and knowledge sharing and the upcoming International Symposium on "Realizing Low Carbon Cities in Northeast Asia: Bridging Science, Policy and Promoting Cooperation," which will be held by NEASPEC and China Academy of Social Science in Beijing, on 5-6 December 2013.

Key outcomes of SOM-18 are as follows:

  • Transboundary Air Pollution: noted the process and outcomes of the consultation after SOM-17 on the Russian proposal on the development of technical and policy framework for transboundary air pollution assessment and abatement; endorsed the Russian proposal with the observations from China expressed in para.5; and welcomed the indication of the Secretariat to develop a plan for an expert group meeting and circulate it to member States expeditiously
  • Dust and Sand Storms: commended the successful completion of the training workshop in September 2013; reiterated the support for carrying out similar activities; and noted the importance of linking NEASPEC programme with other existing mechanisms in the subregion
  • Nature Conservation: noted progress made in increasing bilateral cooperation between China and the Russian Federation for the conservation of Amur tigers and leopards and received support from member States on DNA analysis for target species; and reviewed the outcome of the Expert Group Meeting on "Conservation and rehabilitation of habitats for key migratory bird in NEA" and approved the implementation plan
  • Marine Protected Areas: commended the progress made so far, and endorsed the draft Terms of Reference of the North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN)
  • Green developmnet/green economy and eco-efficiency: requested the member States to share information on national progress related to green development, green economy, and eco-efficiency for dissemination to other member States

In addition, SOM-18 received the proposal of Mongolia entitled "A conservation strategy to achieve recovery of a critically endangered Gobi bear population in Mongolia" and noted the urgency of the proposed project activities.

05 Nov 2013
Opening Session
  • Opening Remarks by Mr. Kilaparti RAMAKRISHNA, Director, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Welcoming Remarks by Mr. BATBOLD Jamsran, State Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia
  • Election of officers and adoption of agenda
Policy issues for sustainable development in North-East Asia

Statements by delegations of the member States, UN and international organizations on issues related to sustainable development in North-East Asia.

Review of program planning and implementation

a) Transboundary Air Pollution

b) Mitigation of Dust and Sandstorms

c) Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas

d) Marine Protected Areas

e) Green Development/Green Economy and Eco-efficiency Partnership

Short presentations to be made by the Secretariat for each thematic area, followed by interventions from delegations of member States

Review of program planning and implementation (Cnt’d)
Consideration of new NEASPEC programmes and activities

Member States, the Secretariat and international organizations present proposals for new activities to be conducted under the framework of NEASPEC. Each proposal will be introduced with a power point presentation followed by discussions.

06 Nov 2013
Special Session on Green Development of Mongolia
Review of issues concerning the institutional arrangements of NEASPEC, and review of the Core Fund

The session will review the results of a study on institutional arrangements of NEASPEC and the state of the core fund, and discuss options for further strengthening the roles and functions of NEASPEC.

Tea Break (preparation of meeting report by the Secretariat)
Adoption of the conclusions and recommendations, and closing of the meeting
Transboundary Air Pollution
Mitigation of Dust and Sandstorms
Development of the Cooperation Mechanisms for Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas in North-East Asia
Strengthening Subregional Cooperation on Marine Protected Areas
Eco-efficiency Partnership and Green Development
Review of issues concerning the institutional arrangement of NEASPEC
Review and planning of Core Fund
Outcome documents