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NEASPEC 19th Senior Officials Meeting

22 September 2014 - 23 September 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation

The 19th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of NEASPEC (North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation) was concluded on 23 September 2014 in Moscow after two full days of discussion.

Organized by ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office serving as the NEASPEC Secretariat and hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, the meeting brought together delegates from various ministries and agencies of member States, including Foreign Affairs, Environment, Forestry, Ocean and Fishery and actively negotiated on the future direction of a range of activities.  

The most notable progress made at the meeting were formalizing target protected areas and operational modality of the North-East Asia Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN) established during the last SOM and launching the Low Carbon City Platform which will strengthen cooperation of agencies to collectively support cities and will synergize the works of stakeholders. 

The meeting mainly reviewed the progress in project implementation of the following areas:

  • Transboundary air pollution project on “Development of the Technical and Policy Frameworks for Transboundary Air Pollution Assessment and Abatement in North-East Asia”,
  • Two nature conservation projects: “Study on Transborder Movement of Amur Tigers and Leopards using Camera Trapping and Molecular Genetic Analysis” and “Conservation and Rehabilitation of Habitats for Key Migratory Birds in North-East Asia”
  • Dust and sandstorms projects by NEASPEC since 2010 including capacity building activities.

Participants also agreed on the development of mid/long-term strategic plan for NEASPEC for the next SOM for guiding NEASPEC to better serve the subregion in responding to domestic environmental challenges as well as contribute to global sustainable development processes. The development process of the strategic plan would involve consultation with member States. 

22 Sep 2014
Opening Session
  • Opening Remarks by Mr. Kilaparti RAMAKRISHNA, Head, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Rinat Gizatulin, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Election of officers and adoption of agenda
Policy issues for sustainable development in North-East Asia

Statements by delegations of the member States, UN and international on policies and initiatives in relation to sustainable development in North-East Asia.

Tea Break
Review of program planning and implementation

a) Transboundary Air Pollution

b) Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas

c) Marine Protected Areas

d) Eco-efficiency Partnership

e) Dust and Sandstorms and Desertification

Short presentations to be made by the Secretariat for each programme area, followed by interventions from delegations of member States.

Review of program planning and implementation (Cont’d)
Tea Break
New NEASPEC programmes and activities

Member States, the Secretariat and international organizations present proposals for new activities to be conducted under the framework of NEASPEC. Each proposal will be introduced with a presentation followed by discussions.

23 Sep 2014
Review of the Core Fund

The session will review the state of the core fund and discuss budget plan.

Preparation of the strategic plan of NEASPEC

The session will discuss major points of a long-term strategy. The discussion will be based on eight major questions contained in the SOM document, NEASPEC/SOM (19)/7.

Venue, date, provisional agenda of the SOM-20 and other issues
Tea Break (preparation of meeting report by the Secretariat)
Adoption of the conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting/ Closing Session