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Consultations on Modeling of Source-Receptor Relationship of Transboundary Air Pollution

01 May 2012 - 03 May 2012
Busan and Incheon (Republic of Korea); and Beijing, China

NEASPEC has made progress on bringing North-East Asian countries together for an in-depth discussion on how to work together to reduce transboundary air pollution (TAP). On 18 – 21 March, NEASPEC Secretariat held Consultations on Modelling of Source-Receptor Relationship of Transboundary Air Pollution at Busan National University, Republic of Korea. Scientific assessments of long-range movement of air pollutants across countries are necessary to guide technical and policy cooperation among the countries. The meeting took place as part of the NEASPEC project on the “Development of Technical and Policy Framework for Transboundary Air Pollution Assessment and Abatement”.

The Consultations aimed at connecting the on-going work on TAP in North-East Asia, including the joint research project on long-range transboundary air pollutants (LTP) of China, Japan and the ROK, with the planned work of the Scientific Research Institute (SRI) of Russia on modelling of source-receptor relationship (SRR) of transboundary air pollution. The consultations shared modelling methodologies, processes and data inventories of LTP and discussed the plan and technical setting of the planned work, which will cover the entire territories of North-East Asia, including the Russia Far East.

18 Mar 2015
Opening remarks by ESCAP
Group Photo
Overview of Modeling under LTP by PNU
Progress of model comparison studies during LTP Expert Meeting among China, Japan, and Korea) by PNU
Overview of national, regional and global emission inventories pertaining to the planned modelling by PNU
Russian Community of Air quality Modeling by Russian Experts
LTP’s configurations of meteorological and air quality model by PNU
Model performance evaluation and verification by PNU
19 Mar 2015
Source and arrangement of input data by PNU
Technical support from LTP institution and experts
Plan of SRI’s modelling