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NEASPEC 24th Senior Officials Meeting

12 October 2020 - 13 October 2020

The 24th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) was hosted by the Government of the Russian Federation via videoconference on 12-13 October 2020.

SOM is an annual occasion to review NEASPEC activities and to formulate new initiatives. In this connection, the SOM-24 reviewed and decided on (a) the NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025; (b) the North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership (NEACAP) workplan 2021-2025; and (c) the NEASPEC budget plan for 2021-2025.

12 Oct 2020
Registration and sound check (online)
1. Opening of the meeting
  • Opening remarks by Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head of UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office • Welcoming remarks by the Host Government
  • Welcoming remarks by the Host Government
2. & 3. Election of officers, and Adoption of agenda
4. Issues related to sustainable development in North-East Asia

Statements by delegations of the member States, UN and international organizations

5. Review of program planning and implementation

a) Transboundary Air Pollution

b) Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas

c) Marine Protected Areas

d) Low Carbon Cities

e) Desertification and Land Degradation

Short presentations to be made by the Secretariat and partner institutions for each programme area, followed by interventions from delegations of member States.

6. NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025

The session will review the draft Strategic Plan revised based on the discussion at the National Focal Point Meeting held on 06 August 2020 and consider the decision for adoption. The session will also review the results of the external evaluation and discuss the way forward.

13 Oct 2020
6. NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (if needed)
7. Review of the Core Fund

The session will review the state of the Core Fund and project funds of NEASPEC and discuss budget plans. Member governments are invited to announce intended cash and/or in-kind contributions for 2020-2021

8. & 9. Venue, date, provisional agenda of SOM-25, and Other issues

The meeting will invite member States to express interest in hosting the next SOM. Member States may raise any other issues not covered under the items mentioned above.

Break (preparation of meeting report by the Secretariat)
10. Adoption of the conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting/ Closing Session

The Report of the Meeting consists of two major parts: (i) the conclusions and recommendations, and (ii) the proceedings of the SOM. The first part of the Report will be adopted by the SOM, and the second part will be prepared by the Secretariat after the Meeting and will be circulated to member States for review and approval.