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Meeting of NEASPEC National Focal Points

12 May 2021

The National Focal Points Meeting of NEASPEC will be virtually held at 14:00-18:30 (GMT+9), Wednesday, 12 May 2021.

Based on the recommendations of NEASPEC independent evaluation conducted in 2020, the meeting aims to convene focused discussions on (1) renewed vision and commitment and (2) funding modality to develop NEASPEC as a more effective and comprehensive mechanism. In addition, the Meeting will review the planned NEASPEC activities in 2021. 

12 May 2021
Opening Session
  • Opening remarks, Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head of ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Introduction of the meeting, NEASPEC Secretariat
Session 1: Address the recommendations of the NEASPEC independent evaluation

Secretariat will moderate discussions to review the status quo of NEASPEC based on the conclusion and recommendations of the evaluation; and to identify options to address the recommendation 1, 2 and 5.

Two background documents are prepared by the Secretariat to support this discussion.

Session 2: Review of planned activities in 2021

This session will review the 2021 activities and issues pertaining to the attention and support of NEASPEC National Focal Points.

Session 2: Review of planned activities in 2021

This session will review the 2021 activities and issues pertaining to the attention and support of NEASPEC National Focal Points.
