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NEACAP Symposium on Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Air Quality Management

07 September 2023
Seoul, Republic of Korea
NEACAP Symposium

The symposium will be organized in conjunction with the fifth meeting of SPC to provide the SPC members and invited stakeholders and experts with the following opportunities:

  • To learn from eminent experts and SPC members about recent advances in scientific approaches in dealing with air pollution;  
  • To exchange experiences in addressing air pollution;
  • To identify possible contributions of NEACAP to the implementation of Regional Action Programme on Air Pollution; and
  • To support the discussions on NEACAP future activities during the fifth meeting of SPC.
07 Sep 2023
  • Hanna Yang, President of NAIR
  • Ganbold Baasanjav, Director of UN ESCAP-ENEA
Session 1. Global air quality policy trend and international cooperation
  • Sangmin Nam, Director, Environment and Development Division, UN ESCAP
  • Jingnan Hu, Director, Atmospheric Environment Institute, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
  • Hiroshi Tanimoto, Deputy Director, Earth System Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  • Batbayar Jadamba, Director, Environment Monitoring Division of National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring of Mongolia
  • Tae-kon Song, Administrative officer, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea
Session 2. Development and management of an air pollutant emissions inventory
  • Chul Yoo, Director of NAIR
  • Rich Mason, NEI Team Lead, U.S. EPA
  • Satoru Chatani, Chief senior researcher at NIES, Japan
  • Shuxiao Wang, Professor, Tsinghua University
  • Sabine Schindlbacher, Head of EMEP-CEIP
Q & A
Lunch time and Networking

NEACAP SPC-5 Briefing during the Networking session (14:00-14:50) in the Conference room “SAGE” (4th Fl.)

Session 3. Policy impacts assessment through air quality modeling
  • Soontae Kim, Professor, Ajou University
  • Zbigniew Klimont, Research Group Leader, IIASA
  • Wei Zhang, Vice director, Chinese Academy of Environment Planning
  • Jean Fouré, Environmental economist, OECD
Q and A
Session 4. The future of air quality management: Where we should head to
  • Jung-Hun Woo, Professor, Konkuk university,
  • Byeong-Uk Kim,Georgia EPD
  • Young Gi Jang, University of Suwon, National Air Emission Inventory Committee
  • Junichi Kurokawa, Chief Senior Researcher, Asia Center for Air Pollution Research
  • Gantuya Ganbat, Assistant Professor, German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology, Mongolia