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Expert group meeting on desertification and land degradation and climate change: subregional approaches and activities

19 June 2023 - 20 June 2023
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

In line with the NEASPEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025, the expert group meeting aims to develop a subregional approach and propose activities on Desertification and Land Degradation (DLD) under NEASPEC for consideration by member States. To facilitate the discussion, the findings of the stock-taking study on the interlinkages of DLD and climate change and the stakeholder survey result will be presented as well.

19 Jun 2023
Opening session

Opening session

  • Remarks by Mr. Ganbaatar Myagmarjav, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia 
  • Remarks by Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head of UN ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North East Asia
  • Tour de Table
  • Introduction of the meeting
Session 1: Reviewing DLD in North-East Asia: current status, trends and impacts

In this session, experts will share insights on the status, trends and impacts of DLD faced by countries in North-East Asia and discuss policies in place to prevent DLD.

Moderator: Ms. Tserendulam Shagdarsuren , Director General of the Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia


  • Mr. Victor Squires, Guest Professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry
  • Ms. Haiying Feng, Research Professor, Beibu Gulf University, China
  • Mr. Andrey Medvedev, Head of GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Mr. Ajai, Group Director and Professor (retired), Space Applications Centre, Indian Space Research Organization
  • Mr. Gomboluudev, Scientific Secretary of Information Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology Environment of Mongolia


Lunch break
Session 2: Identifying the Challenges: Drivers and Risks of DLD in North-East Asia

With the aim to identify key issues to be addressed by NEASPEC, the session will discuss the main drivers of DLD in North-East Asia and future risk factors such as climate change, among others.

Moderator: Ms. Xiaoxia Jia, Programme Officer, Science Technology and Innovation, UNCCD


  • Mr. Oyunsanaa Byambasuren, Director General, National Forest Agency of Mongolia
  • Mr. SungEun Kim , Economic Affairs Officer, UNESC AP Subregional Office for East and North East Asia
  • Mr. Young-keun Lee, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Forest Science , Republic of Korea
  • Ms.Tatiana Kuderina, Scientific and technical correspondent of Russian Federation for the UNCCD


Session 3: Collaborating for change: Formulating a subregional approach and potential activities for consideration of member States

The session will discuss tentative NEASPEC activities to address DLD in North-East Asia, avoiding duplications and creating synergies with other existing platforms such as DLDD-NEAN.

Moderator: Mr. SungEun Kim , Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North East Asia


  • Mr. Junkyo Lee, Program Officer, Korea Forest Service
  • Ms. Xiaoxia Jia, Programme Officer, Science Technology and Innovation, UNCCD
  • Ms. Emily Marie Lim, Program Officer, Asian Forest Cooperation Organization

Discussion on tentative NEASPEC activities 

Closing session
20 Jun 2023
Field Trip