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Review Meeting on the NEASPEC project, “Study on Transborder Movement of Amur Tigers and Leopards using Camera Trapping and Molecular Genetic Analysis”

15 September 2015
Harbin, China

Since 2014, NEASPEC has implemented the project, “Study on Transborder Movement of Amur Tigers and Leopards using Camera Trapping and Molecular Genetic Analysis”, as a follow-up to the project on “Establishing Coordination Mechanisms for Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas in North-East Asia” (2010-2012). Under the current project, the first expert group meeting was held in April 2014 to discuss the work plan including scientific approaches for the project activities, expected outcomes, implementing agencies and budgetary matters. Upon the agreements, project activities including camera trapping and sample collection have been conducted since late 2014. 

This review meeting is the major occasion for key experts of the Project to get together and review the interim outcomes of the field study and molecular genetic analysis prior to the completion of project activities as well as preparation of policy recommendations and the final project report. 


15 Sep 2015
  • Opening remarks: Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, ESCAP-ENEA
  • Welcoming remarks: Jianzhang Ma, Academician, China Engineering Academy
Session 1: Review of the interim camera trap result of the NEASPEC Project
  • Moderated by Sangmin Nam
  • China
    • Report of SFA: Dehui Zhang
    • Status of Amur tiger and leopard in China and general program progress: Guangshun Jiang
    • Camera trap work of Amur tiger in China: Jiayin Gu
    • Camera trap work of Amur leopard in China: Jinzhe Qi
  • Russian Federation
    • Conservation activities and study of Amur tiger in Russia: Sergey Aramilev
    • Integrated study of Amur leopard in Russia: Elena Salmanova
  • Republic of Korea
    • Hang Lee
Session 2: Review of interim results of molecular genetic analysis of the NEASPEC Project
  • Moderated by Yanchun Xu
  • China
    • Molecular analysis method of Amur tiger and Amur leopard: Hui Liu
    • Molecular analysis results of Amur tiger and Amur leopard in China: Yao Ning
  • Russian Federation
    • Interim results of molecular genetic analysis of Amur leopard and tiger scat:  Alexey Kostyria 
Visit to Laboratory of Northeast Forestry University / FRC-SFA
Session 3: Final project report and other matters