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Workshop on Nature Conservation and Transboundary Cooperation

28 November 2016 - 29 November 2016
Beijing, China
NC beijing

NEASPEC and Beijing Forestry University jointly held the 2016 Workshop on Nature Conservation and Transboundary Cooperation to review outcomes of two NEASPEC nature conservation projects on migratory birds and Amur tiger and leopards, as well as to discuss subregional needs and follow-up actions for NEASPEC. Over forty participants from all six NEASPEC member States, including government officials, experts, international organizations, NGOs attended the Workshop.

One of the major outcomes from the NEASPEC project was on transboundary corridors and the identification of numbers of tigers and leopards crossing the border of China and Russia. Together with other findings on their limited habitats and low genetic diversity, the numbers indicate the significance of intergovernmental cooperation on improving their conditions for cross-border movement and habitat protection.
As for migratory birds, this has been the first occasion of such scale where 80% of potential crane habitat has been surveyed in eastern Mongolia, identifying critical sites for four species of cranes and key congregation sites in Mongolia which support over 40% of the regional White-Naped Crane population. Meanwhile, higher concentration of birds at sites in Liaoning (China) and Cheonsu Bay (Republic of Korea) has been observed, yet very low breeding success has been found in the Russian part of Dauria.

In this connection, the Workshop also discussed knowledge gaps, capacity needs, public awareness and cooperation opportunities, and identified a number of recommendations on follow-up activities. Proposals of next steps under the concept of “connectivity conservation” have been presented, which would address adverse impacts arising from mismanagement of physical and ecological interconnectedness between countries and enhance human connectivity among stakeholders.

28 Nov 2016
  • Opening remarks: State Forestry Administration
  • Welcoming remarks: NEASPEC Secretariat
  • Welcoming remarks: Beijing Forestry University
Session 1: Review of nature conservation and international cooperation in Northeast Asia
  • Sangmin Nam, NEASPEC Secretariat
  • De Hui Zhang, State Forestry Administration
  • DPRK
  • Guangchun Lei, Beijing Forestry University
  • Batbold Borjgurkhem, WWF Mongolia
  • Felix Glenk, Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS)
  • Guangshun Jiang/ Alexey Kostyria, NEASPEC Amur Tiger and Leopard Project
  • Sunyoung Park, Korean Society of Environment and Ecology
Parallel Session 2.1: NEASPEC Tiger and Leopards Project 

Review of project outcomes and discuss its follow-up activities

Parallel Session 2.2: NEASPEC Migratory Birds Project
  • Review of project outcomes and relevant international activities
  • Overall report, conclusions and recommendations
  • Discussions on project findings and needs of the subregion 
29 Nov 2016
Parallel Session 2.1: NEASPEC Tiger and Leopards Project (cont.)

Review of project outcomes and discuss its future activities

Parallel Session 2.2: NEASPEC Migratory Birds Project (cont.)

Discussion of follow-up actions for NEASPEC and wider stakeholders

Session 3. Way Forward and Conclusions
  • Moderators' report on discussions in each parallel session
  • Discussion
    • presentation of proposals
  • Way forward to connectivity conservation and transboundary cooperation in NEA
    • Discussion on the proposals
    • Discussion on potential joint activities, linkages with other initiatives, etc. 
  • Adoption of workshop outcomes
  • Conclusions
  • Closing of the Workshop