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2016 NEAMPAN Workshop and the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

15 June 2016
Suncheon, Republic of Korea

UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office, the Secretariat of North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN), in collaboration with Suncheon City, will organize the NEAMPAN workshop “Sharing Experiences in MPA management” and its 2nd Steering Committee Meeting on 15-16 June 2015 in Suncheon, Republic of Korea (ROK). As the first gathering of the 11 target MPAs of NEAMPAN, the workshop will exchange experiences of the overall MPA management with a particular focus on (i) sharing experiences of MPA management and (ii) sharing experiences in partnership and networking among MPAs. To benefit from the workshop venue, it will also highlight MPA management experience of Suncheon Bay Tidal Flat Marine Protected Area, one of the designated NEAMPAN sites in ROK. Participants from international organizations, universities and NGOs will also be invited to provide information and share their expertise on MPA management. Through the discussion, it is expected to identify modalities of MPA networks which could be most efficiently conducted at international level (vis-a-vis national level). 

(Disclaimer: Presentation materials were prepared by each presenter, and the views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the NEASPEC Secretariat thereof.)

15 Jun 2016
  • Opening remarks
    • Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, UNESCAP ENEA
  • Welcoming remarks
    • Chung Hun Jo, Mayor of Suncheon
  • Introduction by the Secretariat  
  • Group Photo
Session 1: Sharing Experiences of MPA management
  • Introduction of MPAs and Discussion – China
    • Overview (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member) 
    • Beilun Estuary National Marine Nature Reserve (Mr. Tang Qiao)
    • Shankou Mangrove National Marine Nature Reserve (Mr. Huang Qi)
    • Nanji Islands National Marine Nature Reserve (Mr. Shi Benze)
    • Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
    • National Nature Reserve of Dazhou Island Marine Ecosystems (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
    • Changyi National Marine Ecology Special Protected area (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
Coffee Break
Session 1: Sharing Experiences of MPA management (cont.)
  • Introduction of MPAs and Discussion – China (cont.)
  • Introduction of MPAs and Discussion – Japan
    • Overview (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
    • Shiretoko National Park (Mr. Maeda Naohiro)
  • Introduction of MPAs and Discussion – ROK
    • Overview (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
    • Muan Wetland Protected Area (Ms. Se-young Moon)
  • Introduction of MPAs and Discussion - Russian Federation
    • Overview (NEAMPAN Steering Committee member)
    • Far-Eastern State Marine Biosphere Reserve (Mr. Sergei Dolganov)
    • Sikhote-Alin State Natural Biosphere Reserve (Mr. Dmitry Gorshkov)
Session 1: Sharing Experiences of MPA management (cont.)
  • Introduction of Suncheon Bay Wetland Protected Area and Discussion
Field Trip
  • Suncheon Bay National Garden / Suncheon Bay Wetland Protected Areas / abandoned salt field to be restored
Welcoming Dinner

Hosted by Suncheon City

16 Jun 2016
Recap of the Day 1
Session 1: Sharing Experiences of MPA management (Cont.) - Approach to sustainable management of marine areas
  • Ecosystem based management system – Prof. Rafael Sarda
  • Co-management of marine areas – Prof. Sakurai Yasunori
  • Discussion on the experiences of MPA management
Coffee Break
Session 2: Partnership and networking for capacity building
  • Benefits and challenges on MPA networks - Dr. Jungho Nam, KMI  
  • Networking and capacity building experiences of MPA managers
    • Experiences in China - Dr. Zhang Zhaohui, China
    • Experiences in ROK - Dr. Youngnam Kim, KOEM
    • Experience of WWF-Hong Kong - Mr. Wen
    • Experiences of other countries / organizations  
  • Discussion  
Session 3: Common concerns and interests of the MEAMPAN members and Conclusion

   Open discussion

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting
  • Future activities
  • Review of the Russian project proposal
  • Pending issues – advisory committee, etc.
  • Any other matters and conclusion 

Hosted by ESCAP ENEA